Monday 3 June 2013

"LAME JOKES AND TONGUE TWISTERS 1", from "the Collection" by Samuel Yaw

"I'm (not) bland,
I can (not) blend,
I'm (not) blind,
I'm (not) blond(e), and
I can (not) blunder.
Who am I?"
— "Childhood Games" by Jorge (HOR-hay)
"What are you sayin' (about that) cyan Saiyan?!"
— Anonymous
"There once was a girl who (happily) lamented that her dress looks "as beautiful as a Dalek's body and a Tesla coil."
— Anonymous
Duc de Doc
took a duck,
decked* a dock,
(teched a 'tack**,) [and]
tucked a tick!
He then
bent a tent,
went to Trent,
rented ten,
lent€ a den,
'fent※ a gent, [and]
meant a plent!" @
― "Doc Went-"
Commentary by Fulgere Vogelbach:
* decorated
** "technologized/robotized a fight, or went into battle with robotic reinforcements"
€ lended, as in "let someone borrow an [animal's empty] den"
※ defended, as in "protected the man [from (a certain) danger]"
*** meaned a lot (of things, as in learning much lessons from Dr. Duc)
Please be free to answer these questions. Your reactions and comments are VERY welcome.

(Updated on 28 November, A. D. 2014.)